Thursday, September 5, 2013

McCarthy Potty Training

The summer has flown by and I’ve realized I’ve written very few blog entries. Our days have been busy ~ with work and play and puddle jumping and ice cream eating ~ and I know that the daily routine that we are all victim to grabbed hold of me this summer. Alas, the inspiration for adventure writing has been waning.

But then one day everything changed. Riley went pee-pee in her big-girl potty.
The first time she attempted this new feat, she took out the pot that you go potty in, sat on the seat, and peed on the floor. Although it wasn’t the victory we were hoping for, it was a big step in the right direction and we praised her for her efforts. Yay Riley!

Two days later, Riley announced that she had to go potty, and so I rushed her to her special throne, pulled down her pants and diaper and… whaalaa! Pee-pee in the potty! Perhaps it was too much for her ‘cause we haven’t had another potty victory since, but she continues to announce her pee-pee intentions and even mimics her daddy when she sees him outside in the bushes. Yes, she mimics him.

Now, potty training in the woods provides a special treat for parents. Without the cumbersome rules that society places on people – you know, like “use a toilet to do your business” – us folks in McCarthy get to worry about our youngsters falling into outhouses and pooping in the middle of town in broad daylight. Oh the joys! For example, the other day while in the store, Riley announced that she needed to go potty. Knowing she was equipped with a diaper, and I had my hands full, I didn’t take advantage of this potty-training moment like I should have. Besides, where would she pee? In the bushes?
So I continued grabbing more items and happened to look down at my daughter, who apparently was ready to do business in the store. With her pants around her ankles, she attempted to “walk” around the store while announcing she had to go potty. Alrighty then.
Thank you, Auntie Julie, for documenting this moment! 

After quickly pulling up her pants and paying for my items, we started our walk home. Riley, however, was intent on going potty and began a tearful breakdown in the middle of town. Knowing that “potty” had either A) already happened or B) was just a cool new term to throw around, I found some low shrubbery and said “Ok, let’s do this! Humor me!” Diaper off and pants down to her ankles, Riley laughed and ran away when, to my horror, I realized that she did in fact go potty already. And you know what kind of potty I mean. So… middle of town… broad daylight… half naked child running around with, ehh, dirtiness abounding. Priceless.

Just another day in McCarthy!  

Life is too short to not blow (and eat) bubbles 
Plane ride with mama! 

Giving knuckles to beloved Uncle Colin 

Front yard dance party  

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Attack of the Mosquitoes!

The days have been hot here, which is a pleasant surprise from the usual rain and colder temps we’ve seen in past seasons. The sun is a wonder to see, but man oh mighty, the mosquitoes are in full force. Do you know that the (unofficial) Alaskan record for most mosquitoes killed in one slap is 78? That’s just crazy talk. Mosquitoes are everywhere - they greet you in the outhouse; they fly down your shirt; they cut conversations short; they drive you mad in the middle of the night; and they always find that one spot on your body that you missed with the repellent. Poor Riley is getting eaten alive, no matter the amount of repellent I put on her. Of course she wants to be outside all the time, so there’s always an internal war going on inside me whether the bites she’ll get are worth the amusement of playing in the dirt (the dirt usually wins). 
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Lovin' the blue bin! 
Riley with her best friend Bjorn 
Riley’s becoming quite the McCarthy kiddo with her dirty hands and face and new words like “generator”,  “powerhouse”, and “four-wheeler.” There’s no end to the fascination she sees in things around her– flowers, bugs, dogs, strangers, rocks… you can only imagine how long it takes to walk from one place to the next with her! When we take our walks, Riley says hi to just about anyone she meets. When she wants to know someone’s name, she asks and then finishes with a “see you later alligator!” How can one not appreciate the happier things in life while in the company of a toddler? J

Oh how I love this kiddo! 
parting shot!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


It's that time of year again when the Vial family finds itself in a cozy lil' cabin in McCarthy, Alaska. It seems like not too long ago I was writing about wheels falling off strollers and spraying toilets! Riley is no longer the little girl content to ride in the backpack all day. Oh no - she'd rather run, jump, and touch all that's in sight. McCarthy is quite the playground for kids, and there's never a shortage of walks and exploring to do here. If only mama could keep up with the energy of Miss Riley!

There's already plenty of adventures to share, but for now, I'll share the best one to be had so far....

Yep, you guessed it... prepare yourself for another lil' Vial! Riley's "only child" status expires in December, so we'll be making sure she gets the ultimate summer experience before life changes in a big way for her. Here's to another summer prego in McCarthy!