Monday, May 7, 2012

Another summer in McCarthy begins!

Matt and I arrived safely in McCarthy and have been spending the last couple of days getting ourselves organized for the busy summer ahead. As many people know (since we haven’t been able to keep our mouths shut about it), we have our own cabin this year. No more living communally with 25 other guides! YAY!! What a difference it’s made already! The cabin is furnished, and I think there’s more counter space than my home in Tahoe. We even have a propane refrigerator, which is AWESOME. Still no running water or electricity - we wouldn’t want things to be too easy around here.  

All in all, I’d say we’ve moved up in the world, or at least in McCarthy. As you might guess, I’ve been working hard at getting our stuff unpacked – where did all this stuff come from anyway? Slowly but surely, it’s turning into a cozy little home for us. For those of you who have been considering coming up to Alaska, this may be the best year to do it!  We’ve got some loft space for company, a great porch for bbq’ing, and a clean cabin to relax in after our daily adventures. J Just saying.

Riley was quite the little trooper during our drive up here. It was a long drive – 64 hours – but we saw some incredible sights and Riley even got to meet her Great Gramma Audrey who lives in Montana. The Icefields Parkway is a spectacular drive, but you really can’t go wrong anywhere in western Canada. Well, except for the Yukon. Matt was driver extraordinaire and I attempted to master baby feedings and diaper changes in a moving vehicle. Aside from the remnants of sweet potatoes, applesauce, and carrots left on the seats, I’d say I was fairly successful. We saw plenty of wildlife, even a grizzly on the side of the road, and found scenic camping spots along the way. 

There’s plenty to look forward to this summer, but I’m especially looking forward to enjoying a slower pace of life here now that I have Riley. It definitely takes a lot of work to have a kiddo here, but there are lots of laughs and memorable experiences to be had along the way. For instance, last night was Riley’s first sauna and boy did she love it! She kept splashing the water and giggling. She just might be the youngest who’s ever set foot in the company sauna.

Well, that’s about it for now. I’ll be sure to keep the stories and pictures coming. And don’t be a stranger! Our cell phones work up here and email is checked fairly often. For those who have asked, here is our mailing address:

Box #10 MXY, McCarthy
Glennallen, AK 99588

Oh, and our Tahoe house is available as a vacation rental this summer, so if anyone would like to enjoy a Tahoe getaway just let me know!

Hope all is well in your world and that there are plenty of adventures awaiting you! J


  1. Well done friend. Wonderful pics. I miss your smiling faces. LY.

  2. Too cute! She is adorable Gina.

    Grizzly on the side of the road, or Vials kin folk searching him out? Hmmm....

